
تحويل الحياة البشرية بتقنية الليزر

التكنولوجيا تمكن الابتكار والحوافز الضريبية تساعد صناعة الليزر على النمو وتعزيزها

وقت الإصدار:

Apr 02,2024

تكنولوجيا الليزر ، والمعروفة باسم "أسرع سكين" ، "المسطرة الأكثر دقة" ، و "ألمع الضوء" ، هي ابتكار علمي وتكنولوجي مهم ظهر بعد الطاقة النووية وأجهزة الكمبيوتر وأشباه الموصلات. في الآونة الأخيرة ، تم عقد مؤتمر صناعة الليزر العالمي 2024 بنجاح في جينان. علم المراسل أن هناك حاليًا أكثر من 300 شركة ليزر في المدينة ، وأن حجم تصدير منتجات معدات الليزر يركز بشكل رئيسي على القطع بالليزر يحتل المرتبة الأولى في البلاد. أصبحت جينان أكبر وأهم قاعدة صناعة معدات الليزر في شمال الصين.

Laser technology, known as the "fastest knife," "most accurate ruler," and "brightest light," is an important scientific and technological innovation that emerged after nuclear energy, computers, and semiconductors. Recently, the 2024 World Laser Industry Conference was successfully held in Jinan. The reporter learned that there are currently over 300 laser enterprises in the city, and the export scale of laser equipment products mainly focused on laser cutting ranks first in the country. Jinan has become the largest and important laser equipment industry base in northern China.

In recent years, the Jinan Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation has fully played its functional role, implemented and refined the Opinions on Further Deepening Tax Collection and Management Reform, innovatively optimized tax service methods, provided point-to-point customized guidance to laser industry enterprises, further supported the development of the laser industry, and helped Jinan accelerate the construction of a strategic emerging laser industry cluster with international competitiveness.

Tax benefits and storage capacity

Enterprise development enhances vitality

Spring plowing and sowing, waiting for fruitful results. In the Lingang Economic and Technological Development Zone of Licheng District, Jinan City, the Bond Laser Global Headquarters Base project is under orderly construction. The construction site of the project was filled with roaring sounds and a bustling scene. More than 20 large machinery operate in an orderly manner, with over 200 workers working tirelessly and busy with construction. Tall buildings rise layer by layer under the blue sky, revealing their true appearance.

"The comprehensive laser industry park of the company is a major project for high-quality development in the province, covering an area of 308 acres. After completion, it will become a world-class laser processing industry base and laser intelligent equipment demonstration base. Currently, 30% of the steel columns of the building have been completed, and the construction of Building 9 has progressed to the 11th floor." said Liu Jinjun, General Manager of the Financial Center of Jinan Bond Laser Co., Ltd.

Established in 2008, Jinan Bangde Laser Co., Ltd. is a laser processing equipment manufacturer and a leading enterprise in China's laser industry. The company's business scope covers more than 180 countries and regions worldwide, and has been recognized as a gazelle enterprise in Shandong Province, an excellent enterprise in Jinan City, a champion in the manufacturing industry in Shandong Province, and a national intellectual property advantage enterprise.

"The company's annual sales of laser cutting machines have been leading globally for five consecutive years, and the increasing orders have made us feel the importance of the capital chain." Liu Jinjun said, "Thanks to the guidance and careful assistance of tax personnel, we enjoyed export tax refunds of over 80 million yuan in 2023. The timely receipt of export tax refunds has given us more confidence and better impetus to promote the construction of industrial parks and product research and development innovation, further enhancing the drive to expand the international market."

To ensure the stability and long-term development of laser equipment enterprises, the tax department of Jinan City has added tax and fee services, further reducing the burden on enterprises. For laser equipment export enterprises sold abroad, we continue to optimize export tax refund services, accurately match the tax and fee needs of export enterprises, and inject funds into the development of enterprises through the direct and fast sharing of tax and fee preferential policies, helping laser equipment export enterprises to continuously expand the international market.

Service Plus

R&D innovation adds confidence

The laser industry chain is centered around lasers and is divided into three parts: upstream mainly includes laser materials and supporting components, midstream includes laser manufacturing and auxiliary, CNC systems, etc., and downstream includes laser equipment and application products. At present, Jinan is accelerating its comprehensive layout in the upper, middle, and lower laser industry chains, and the industry chain is becoming increasingly complete, making the development of the laser industry more independent, independent, and balanced.

Shandong Huaguang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. has a large-scale one-stop production line for laser epitaxial wafers, chips, devices, modules, and application products in China. It is one of the few companies in the world that has research and development capabilities and has achieved mass production of high-power semiconductor laser chips and devices. The company has also been awarded the titles of National Specialized, Refined, and New "Little Giant" Enterprise, Shandong Province Gazelle Enterprise, and "Shandong Famous Brand" Enterprise. The company has undertaken more than 50 national key projects and has obtained more than 300 authorized patents. Multiple technological achievements of the company have reached the world's leading level.

"The achievement of these scientific research achievements cannot be separated from the support of the national tax reduction and fee reduction policy. The careful guidance of the tax bureau personnel in the High tech Zone has enabled enterprises to enjoy the benefits of tax incentives faster and better. In 2023, enterprises will enjoy tax incentives of 11.7 million yuan, allowing us to focus more on innovation and research and development. In 2024, the company will carry out multi-dimensional research and development investment, make efforts in new technologies and products, and contribute to the overall improvement of upstream and downstream enterprises in the laser industry cluster, helping Shandong's laser industry to develop high-quality on the new track." said Sun Fangjian, the financial manager of Huaguang Optoelectronics.

In recent years, the tax department of Jinan City has attached great importance to strengthening communication and contact with relevant government departments and key leading enterprises, understanding the current development situation of the laser industry, formulating targeted service measures for the development of the upper, middle, and lower laser industry chains, and implementing them effectively. At the same time, we will organize online and offline taxpayer schools, special policy lectures, and guidance on entering enterprises and households to boost the high-quality development of the laser industry.

Precision drip irrigation

Enterprises add new momentum

Currently, Jinan is vigorously laying out and developing in the field of laser processing equipment, and has formed a scale advantage. Some core components, integrated application technologies, and equipment have reached the leading level in the industry. Leading representatives such as Bond Laser, Jinweike, and Senfeng Laser are at the forefront of industry segmentation in China. Jinan's laser cutting and engraving equipment exports account for more than 60% of the national market share, and its equipment exports and export value have consistently ranked first in the country in recent years, accounting for half of China's laser equipment exports. It has become the largest and important laser equipment industry base north of the Yangtze River in China.

Shandong Ourui Laser Technology Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise that, although not established for a long time, has become a pioneer in the domestic laser equipment manufacturing industry with active innovation and demonstrated strong growth potential. After 7 years of good development, the enterprise has broken the international technology monopoly with multiple research and development technologies and rapidly grown into a well-known "little giant" enterprise in laser equipment manufacturing in China. Its business covers more than 150 countries and regions worldwide, achieving international brand layout and global operation.

"As a pioneer in the domestic laser equipment manufacturing industry, Ourui Laser is also one of the key projects for promoting economic development in Jinan City in 2024. It is expected to build a production base with an annual output of 10000 high-end laser equipment this year. At that time, its global market share is expected to further increase." said Liu Lu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jibei Street, Jiyang District.

When it comes to the secrets of a company's success, Sun Shipeng, the general manager of Ourui Laser, said, "The vitality of a company lies in the competitiveness of its products. While adhering to technological innovation, we should also pay attention to improving product quality and service experience, ensuring that every product can represent the highest industry standards. In recent years, the country has introduced a series of tax and fee preferential policies to promote the confidence of enterprises in development and stimulate the vitality of market entities, providing strong support for the development of enterprises. In 2023, with the help of the tax department, we enjoyed a total of more than 7.4 million yuan in tax and fee reductions, greatly alleviating the financial pressure on the company's research and development process. Our confidence in future development is even greater!"

In the wave of new era and new quality productivity development, the tax department of Jinan City will focus on the development of the laser industry, continuously optimize the tax and business environment, cultivate a "fertile ground" for business, assist in the deep integration of the laser industry chain and innovation chain, and contribute more tax power to the high-quality development of the laser industry.